
Health update

I am writing this from the cancer center where I am unexpectedly spending my day. Mark and my appointment with Dr. Campbell this morning started a snowball of tests. My tumor markers were up again and yet I have no other real symptoms of disease progression. So, time for tests–namely a CAT scan, a lung drain, and a bone scan. Since I am a chemotherapy patient, my nurse schedules these appointments. The doctor wants to see me again on Monday so they needed to happen yet this week. I begged my nurse to try to schedule them today since I work on Thursday and Becki is in town on Friday. She worked her magic. I just finished my CAT scan, my lung will be drained in about 15 minutes and the two stages of the bone scan are at 4:30 and 8:30 tonight. Perhaps I’ll even make it home for a few minutes between the drain and the bone scan, we’ll see.

I’m not feeling terribly worried right now, but today’s scheduling does make me feel a bit at the mercy of fighting this disease. My controlling nature rankles against that. I may need to buy this shirt to inspire myself

12 replies on “Health update”

I might buy the shirt too – and think of you every time I see it and wear it. Hoping all goes well today. Thanks for the update. Miss you.

i was going to buy you the shirt but that heather albertie beat me to it–she is a take action kind of gal. you are my inspiration and the strongest person i know.

Jane & I appreciate the update Tash. We’re both praying for you and your family. Your faith, optimism, and actions are awesome to observe. We love you and will pray that you’ll hear good news when you see Dr. Campbell on Monday.

Dito on what everyone else is saying, but props to Heather not withstanding, you don’t need no stinking t-shirt. You are already STRONG.

Many good thoughts being sent your way. Thinking and loving you much, sister soldier.

What a good writer you are. Thanks for sharing and I’m glad you’re getting the shirt – since Heather bought it I think you should feel emboldened to cheer yourself up with another purchase . . . also glad you get to spend time with Becki this weekend.

You are amazingly strong, strength that has only grown over the years. How lovely to be able to wear that shirt and think of the love that’s behind it – people clamoring over who gets to buy it for you! Praying for positive test results and a wonderful visit with Becci this weekend!

Our thoughts and prayers are with you,
Tasha. Hi Becki. What perfect timing for you to be in town.

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