
the one two punch

Liver lesion was radio-ablated on Tuesday. On Wednesday, I had my regular chemotherapy a few hours after discharge from the hospital. Thursday, my colleagues impressed upon me to stay home from work.

Today I’m having a latte and checking my e-mail having gotten Zoe off to school with a lunch packed and breakfast in her belly. I marvel that despite the deadly one-two punch we were able to deliver to the disease that threatens me, I’m still able to live my life. A bit more slowly than usual, but that’s not all bad!

6 replies on “the one two punch”

So glad that ablation and chemo are behind you, and praying for more good news to come from it. I know you are walking where you have no choice but to walk, but may I say, you are doing it beautifully? Sending hugs-
Chris and Dave Finnegan

got the update from your folks and am so glad you’re at home recovering. glad too for your work to oblige and care for you~ you and your family are in my prayers and on my mind. luv ya Turners.

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