
keep your friends close…

and your family closer.the Tells

In May, my hilarious cousin Mary and her charming husband Dave set up housekeeping across the street from us. The house was quickly becoming a neighborhood blight. Boarded windows. Yard full of three years’ worth of oak leaves. Mark and I were becoming fretful.

Then in swooped Mary and Dave. They poached our contractor, plying him with their lack of interior plumbing and quarter round jokes, and whipped the house into impeccable shape in less than two months. Mark and I are in awe.

We are seriously considering a contractual agreement with our other neighbors so that they don’t toss us over in favor of the younger, cuter, funnier, hipper neighbors across the street. Too bad Mary’s 2 weeks away from becoming a lawyer, or I’d have drawn up the paperwork already.

Welcome to the neighborhood, Mary and Dave. Oh, and Daisy’s new friend: Pacman!

2 replies on “keep your friends close…”

oh dear…..pacman wants to play with daisys ball?

I prefer to think of the “tells” moving into your neighborhood as a friendly family swap….

your “rents” move into the stylish SE side neighborhood and the kids of your sweet auntie roze move into your hip neighborhood…out with the old (sorry Mr. and Mrs. Meyer, I dont mean that in a negative way…honest!) and in with the new!

And Dave and Mary? I am still needing a new homeowner tour from you! = )

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