
Mark and maps

When the New Yorker arrived in the mail yesterday, I wondered if Roz Chast had been on our family vacation. Mark had studied copious maps before our arrival in Manhattan, but when called upon to use his knowledge amid the towering infrastructure with testy family in tow, well, he choked. Poor guy. This is Mark navigating Manhattan–seems Roz just can’t cut the poor guy a break!

4 replies on “Mark and maps”

NYC has nothing on the tangle of Boston. Yesterday, the Veals walked from the Boston Public Garden to Faneiul Hall. I walked back to get the car. I consider my success in driving back to retrieve my family without winding up in Rhode Island or in jail to be one of the singular achievements of my life. When the sign said “Congress Street” I felt like Balboa discovering the Pacific.

Props to Mark for even undertaking such an endeavor. I cannot wait to see him to recite the conversation I overheard today between two record store clerks in Cambridge.

Happy Birthday, Brown-eyed Girl!
Today also marks the start of Michigan’s new law requiring children through age 8 to be in booster seats when traveling by car.
Ask your parents again, how you traveled as a wee infant to Minnesota! (Zoe might find the story quite interesting. . .)
Keep that seatbelt fastened, Birthday Girl, and enjoy your day!

Poor Mark, he looks like the dude from the game “Operation”!! The pics of your trip are cute. Looks like everyone enjoyed the big apple!!

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