A dear friend sent me a link to this article from the New York Times yesterday. Written by a woman who has lived with stage 4 breast cancer for seventeen years, it makes me grin ear to ear. Perhaps you’ll enjoy it too.
And this quote from the end of the article? “One thing I don’t ever think to say: When I was told I had a year or two, I didn’t want anything one might expect: no blow-out trip to the Galápagos, no perfect meal at Alain Ducasse, no defiant red Maserati. All I wanted was ordinary life back, for ordinary life, it became utterly clear, is more valuable than anything else.”
All I can think is, “Yeah. What she said. Me too.” while I listen to the ordinary hum of my dishwasher and the ordinary murmur of Mark reading to Zoe upstairs. I kicked my ordinary walking shoes off at the door and hung up Daisy’s ordinary leash. And look forward to another gloriously decadent ordinary day tomorrow.
6 replies on “what she said”
What a great article — years and years and years of ordinary. I’m glad someone is starting to study the subcategory of those women who live for decades.
Love it. Cheers to the ordinary beauty of everyday.
Love you. Praying for many more ordinary days!
i believe with all my heart that this will be your story too…looking forward to years of ordinary bliss with you, my dear friend.
amen to ordinary-ness. what a good reminder. thanks tash.
Thanks for reminding me of the beauty of the ordinary.